AAW Creation

Where Elegance Begins

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How it All Started...

Who would have thought, that right here is where it all started. I was born to this beautiful woman, Shirely M. Taylor. I started playing in my mothers jewelry around 1 years old. I would walk around our house with her earrings, shoes, and pocket book, ready for church. Her earrings were my favorite. I was in the second grade and I was dressed to kill this day for school. My outfit wasn't complete without my mother's earrings. I chose a large blue pair to match my outfit. Unfortunately my teacher didn't feel the same way I did. My mother came home from work and asked, How was your day, young lady, and what did you wear to school today? Well, it was in that moment that I knew, mama knew, what I wore to school. Mama said, my outfit was very nice but, I cannot wear her earrings to school again. I have been in love with big earrings ever since. I hope you will enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy creating them. Mama your Earring Legacy must go on.


Your First Born Lisa (aka) Lee, Lee.